“Los Angeles CA ~ La Brea Tar Pits” by Onasill ~ Bill Badzo - - 70M Views is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 I recently completed the SANS SEC503: Network Intrusion Detection course and while there is more than enough information to melt your brain, I picked up a few tricks I’d never seen before. I’d like to share one of the quickest and most practical here.
EndleSSH by Chris Wellens is a tarpit for would be SSH brute force attackers.
The Eisenhower Matrix was formalized and popularized by Business Thinker Stephen Covey in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” based on a quote and life advice from President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Eisenhower, a General famous for his mastery of Operation Torch, the invasion of Northern Africa during World War II and later the approving authority for NASA, understood the importance of prioritization at every level. From commanding troops on the battlefield, to beating the Soviets in space, Eisenhower understood the long and short game and used it to become one of the most successful Presidents in America’s history.
Who Am I and Why Should You Care? I am a specialist in process analysis and design with a background in automation. After serving six years in a Special Operations military occupational specialty, I brought my skills to the private sector.
Since then I have specialized in helping small businesses and charitable organizations with process definition, documentation, and engineering. This skill has helped insure that my clients are able to prioritize and focus costs on what matters most while saving time and money.
Originally published in 2016, here is a list of the things I keep in my home pantry. Note, we have re-acquired chickens and now hold around 125-150 birds at any given time.
I keep 12-15 cans of the following in my pantry at all times and rotate the oldest forward. Throughout the week we make a list on the fridge of any cans we use. Weekly my wife and I go to the store and replace what ever we’ve taken out of the stores.
At the end of every summer
I come to a place where I don’t want to be
The years move by faster
the summers move quicker than they ever have before
and the time we had slips quicklythrough our hands
But every once and a while
you find a second
and you grab that time
and you hold onto it for all its worth
Because those few moments are like gold
0: Everyone Lies, users especially so.
1: Check the simple things before you move on to the hard stuff. ALL of the simple things.
2: Question all assumptions.
3: Don’t give up easily.
4: When all else fails, see #1.
I’ll add more as they become available.
As Old Betting Laws Fall, New Technology May Prevail Bottom of the eighth, bases
are loaded, scores tied with two outs. The batter steps to the plate as the pitcher and catcher sign quickly to each other. The crowd, already on edge, stares intently at their phones. Panicked tapping ensues as bets are placed. Two to one strike. Five to one bunt. Three to one foul ball. As the batter winds up for the pitch, screens freeze; betting is now locked.
As America continues its free-wheeling descent into the hell that is a Police state, efforts ramp up to protect the common man. Department of Homeland Security officials have requested bids for a Media Monitoring Service that would have the ability to scan more than 290.000 news sources in and outside the US, and store journalists, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, and bloggers in a database that must be searchable for “content” and “sentiment”.
Why I’m Leaving Facebook and You Should Too. After years of abusive privacy invasions by the social media giant, the recent leak regarding Cambridge Analytica is causing a hemorrhage of users and advertiser dollars. Earlier this month, Facebook acknoweldged that data from over 50,000,000 users had been illicitly obtained by data mining and political consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica. The data, while legally obtained by the social media site, Facebook, had been taken from friends of friends who did not consent to the collection by Cambridge Analytica.