A Moment Between Shoulder Blades
At the end of every summer
I come to a place where I don’t want to be
The years move by faster
the summers move quicker than they ever have before
and the time we had slips quicklythrough our hands
But every once and a while
you find a second
and you grab that time
and you hold onto it for all its worth
Because those few moments are like gold
And though everyone knows it in that moment
its impossible to speak it out loud
Because knowing that its short lived
would break the magic of it
And the Jericho walls would fall down
and the real world would come rushing back in
to drag you back to the hum drum days
of work and family
And even though you love them
your family, the time in those moments
when you finally wrestle it to the ground
and force it to stay awhile
slows down
and you soak up every second of it
You can feel the warmth of it in your back
in the spot between your shoulder blades
The spot that tingles
when you’re scared
Or excited
But its not as intense as those moments
It’s a soft envelope of warmth
that keeps out all the bad things
The things that you hate deep down to your soul,
come Monday, you’ll grin and bear it
and swallow it up inside
with all the other fear
and hate
and uncertainty
And in some moments
it will come rushing back to you
even across the years
asa song
a smell
a taste
And the feeling will build up
and press down on you
until you pop.
Until you can’t take it anymore.
The inanity of it
Of the bullshit jobs that produce nothing
That leave you grasping for an outlet.
To bare your soul
and mind
To scream “I’M HUMAN”
I need help. I NEED.
- Justin McAfee
august 22 2018