Orwell Comes Knocking

- 2 mins read

As America continues its free-wheeling descent into the hell that is a Police state, efforts ramp up to protect the common man.

Department of Homeland Security officials have requested bids for a Media Monitoring Service that would have the ability to scan more than 290.000 news sources in and outside the US, and store journalists, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, and bloggers in a database that must be searchable for “content” and “sentiment”.

Reading from what sounds like an Orwellian nightmare, the Department of Homeland security has decided that frequent human rights violations, mass surveillance, mass incarceration, and ever increasing militarized police force, and more recently, detention based on sentiment ( see the Balogun case) isn’t quite enough. So they’re adding the mass categorization of what’s allowable thought and sentiment in the US, to borrow some newspeak, the Thought Police are going to categorize you based on goodthink or crimethink.

Our friends over at Tutanota wrote up a great article on the proposed database but seem to think this is the work of Mean Old Mr. Trump, ignoring that this is a McCarthy era wet dream for the intelligence community and is in-line with the behavior and aspirations of Trump, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr., et al…

Regardless, as the police state progresses, so do the uses for technologies like TOR, PiVPN, OpenDNS and the others. And this further solidifies the idea that the work we’re doing is not only of great importance but is greatly needed.

Check out our Projects page for more info about the work we do make online privacy as easey as possible.